Please refer to List of Assumptions for detailed explanation of each input.

System Configuration Calculator

This calculation is used to evaluate the required PV and battery system capacity based on your location, your quarterly electricity bill, targeted self-sufficiency rate and self-consumption rate, and estimated energy usage allocation.


Suggested System Capacity

  • kWp Solar Power System with
  • kWh Battery Storage
  • Annual Energy Production kWh

Investment Return Calculator

This calculation is used to estimate your bill saving and evaluate the rate of return based on a future 20 years' cashflow.


Suggested Investment Return


List of Assumptions

1.Your Nearest City
Drop-down menu
2.Your Quarterly Electricity Bill (kWh)
3.Your Targeted Self-Sufficiency Percentage
Percentage of energy usage satisfied by your own PV production. Depends on load profile,we suggest a percentage between 60% - 100%.
4.Your Targeted Self-Consumption Percentage
Percentage of PV production that you’d like to consume. Depends on load profile,we suggest a percentage between 50% - 90%.
5.Battery Coverage Option
Drop-down menu. To cover full night time energy usage after dark or only the peak time energy usage during night time.
6.Estimated Daytime Usage Percentage (8am-5pm)
Applicable to both System Configuration Calculator and Investment Return Calculator.
7.Estimated Percentage of Daytime Usage which is Peak.
Peak time usage percentage of daytime. Applicable to both System Configuration Calculator and Investment Return Calculator.
8.Estimated Nighttime Usage Percentage (5pm-8am)
Applicable to both System Configuration Calculator and Investment Return Calculator.
9.Estimated Percentage of Nighttime Usage which is Peak
Peak time usage percentage of nighttime. Applicable to both System Configuration Calculator and Investment Return Calculator.
10.Peak Time Electricity Price (AUD/kWh)
11.Off-Peak Time Electricity Price (AUD/kWh)
12.Feed-in Tariff (AUD/kWh)
13.Total System Cost (AUD)


  1. The calculations are not intended to evaluate an exact assessment on system capacity to be installed and return for investment, these are to provide information to customers as indicative guide.
  2. Solar irradiance data is based on NASA database (or whatever you used) for north facing at ideal tilt angle. No shading effect has been taken into consider.
  3. Solar irradiance can vary day by day.
  4. Any price included is indicative only.
  5. Energy usage is subject to consumer behaviour and can vary day by day.
  6. All the inputs are based on consultation with consumer.
  7. Please contact with us to get more specific suggestions.